With our eyes open to the world, our church is committed to engage God’s global agenda in three primary ways.
The church itself is a laboratory to help people learn how to live in a multicultural community. The goal is to train people for effective cross-cultural ministry in the world.
Since over three-quarters of our church members have returned or will be returning to their home countries, we maintain an interactive commitment to them through social media in prayer, training resources, and financial support.
We are a house of prayer for all nations—with our members committed to praying globally over the issues in their countries every week.

Grow into Christ-likeness in our character and life-purpose (2 Cor.3:18).
Be global Christians, living by the Spirit in alignment with what God is doing and wants to do in our world
Serve a global God who calls us onto His team.
Be nurtured and equipped so that wherever we are, we will be able to powerfully live out the role that God has created for each of us in His world.
Our core values are prayer and community committed whole-heartedly to Jesus Christ, as a multicultural family,
where the whole Body ministers to the whole Body, within a global context. 3/28/17