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Belmont Series

A Ministry to the Elderly

*We will no longer be posting Belmont series, but the previous sermons are below


The New Hope Singers went from our church to Belmont, an assisted living center in our area, to sing Rogers and Hammerstein songs for them--to put a smile in their hearts.



4-15-14 Belmont Sermon The Meaning of Passover – The Passover celebration in Judaism is a foreshadowing of the freedom from sin Christ makes possible for Christians as our Passover Lamb. The first sermon this week is The Meaning of Passover.


Belmont Good Friday Sermon 2014 – The focus of this Good Friday service at Belmont is on the extraordinary sacrificial love God demonstrated at the cross.


Belmont Easter Sermon 2014 – The Easter sermon at Belmont is that Christ has destroyed the power of death. This is extraordinary good news for everyone who believes in Him. But its particularly poignant for those at the sunset time of their lives.


1-14-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Noah – Noah begins our series – Bearing Fruit in Old Age – because he was over 500 when he had his 3 sons and 600 when the flood came. He obeyed everything God said.


1-21-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Abraham – Abraham failed in his faith several times. But he has become the father of all who believe because “He was fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised,” (Romans 4:21). “He trusted that God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were,” (Romans 4:17).


1-30-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Moses part I – It’s amazing to me that Moses’ ministry covers the years from when he was 80 to when he was 120. This is the first of two sermons of bearing fruit in old age with lessons from Moses’ life.


2-4-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Moses Part II – Moses was a friend of God who asked to see God’s glory. That intimacy with God is an amazing model for people of any age.


2-11-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Caleb – Caleb is an amazing man who wholeheartedly followed God through all his life. This is his story.


2-18-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Joshua – In our series Fruit in Old Age, Joshua has lessons for us in his obedience to God and a warning from his self-sufficiency. Still, at the end of his life, he is the one who said, “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” We have two plaques with those words in our home. One in English, and one in Chinese. 


2-25-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Ave Naomi – The story of Naomi in the book of Ruth is a powerful example of how God can turn bitterness and grief into joy and well being.


3-4-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Samuel – Samuel is an important model in our series of Fruit in Old Age. Two parts of Samuel’s life that I particularly appreciate are 1. “He didn’t let any of God’s words fall to the ground.” 2. He told the Israelites, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you.”


3-11-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Solomon – The Bible provides realistic stories of people’s relationship with God. Solomon was blessed by God in extraordinary ways, but he did not end well. His story is a warning to us.


3-18-14 Belmont Sermon Fruit in Old Age Hezekiah – Hezekiah is sighted in the Old Testament as one of the few kings who followed God whole heartily. We can learn from him.

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